This is the prayer of the new time, the time of the reign of Love, the reign of the Hearts of Love. Do you know that prayers of Love never end? Hope may end, faith will have an end but Love never ends. In heaven the only prayer that is said is the prayer of Love. Do you know that I also pray even in heaven? The Father prays also, the Holy Spirit prays also. We say the eternal prayer of Love. I love you Father! I Love You Son! I Love You Holy Spirit! This prayer never ends. I have taught you this prayer of Love - a version of which is the Prayer of the Hearts of Love.
With this I mean to introduce you into this new age of Love - the age of the reign of the Hearts of Love. My son, keep writing, do not get weak. I mean to introduce you into the deep mysteries of life, into the deep mysteries of Love. I am Love! I am Life!
Outside Me there is no life, there is no love, only death and miserable nothing; My child, come into My Heart. What do you see? What do you experience?
(I see and experience flaming fire of Love. Infinite ocean of fire of love. Indescribable brightness. Indescribable peace. Indescribable joy. Indescribable quietness, indescribable LOVE. Indescribable union. Indescribable oneness. Perfect union of hearts, of beings, of persons, perfect fulfilment of all our true heart desires.)
My son, this is where you belong. I have given you My Heart, this is what you possess and this is what possesses you: My Love, You are My Love. No matter how they attack you, no matter how they insult you, no matter how they throw you away, no matter how they throw you about, no matter what they think of you, no matter what they say of you, no matter what they do to you. I have enveloped you in My Love. You are perfectly secure in My Love. Nobody and nothing can separate you from My Love. Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from you. You are My Love.
You are in Me and I am in you. Let your only concern be loving Me and loving all with My Love. Everything you love with My Love you are restoring it to My Love. Restore all to My Love. Win all in and to My Love. Go and meet all and embrace all in My Love. My Heart is your heaven on earth. My Love is your heaven. Heaven is in your midst. Heaven is My Love. My Love is in you. My Love lives in you. I am your heaven. I am in you. You are in Me. You are Mine. Remain in Me. Nothing will separate you from Me.
Nothing can separate Me from you, only your will, but now I have your will. My Will is your will. My Will is in you and your will is in Me. Your will is perfectly united to Mine. This is the level of sanctity I want such that you will only exist in Me and I live in you. You are perfectly united to Me and I am united with you. You are in union with Me and with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. You are in union with My Mother and with all My Angels and Saints. Where you are there I am, and where I am there you are. You are Me. I am you. We are one. You in Me and I in you.
In you, through you, and with you I mean to win and draw all souls to My Love, to Me, to the Father and to the Holy Spirit. My son, love the Father and the Holy Spirit with one and the same Love with which you love Me, that is, with My Love. We are one. To love is to love the Father and to love the Holy Spirit. Yet it is good to express it clearly: I love You, My son. I love You, Father, I love You, the Son of God, I love You, Holy Spirit. In loving the Father I am loving Myself, in loving the Holy Spirit I am loving Myself. In loving the Father and the Holy Spirit I am loving Love. The Father is Love. The Holy Spirit is Love. I am Love. We are God, God of Love. God Love. We are Love. We are Love. We are Love. You belong to Us. You come from Me. You come from Us. Our life is only Love.
Our Love is life. To love Us is Love and life. To love the Father is life. To love the Holy Spirit is life. To love Love, to love God - Love that is life - to live Love, to live in Love, to live in God, that is eternal Life. I have offered all men eternal Life. I have created and offered all souls, all hearts, all persons the eternal life.
God is eternal Love and eternal Life. Be in Me. I am in you.
Tell all the members of My Heart of Love that they are members of My Love and members of My life. Tell them that I belong to them and that they belong to Me. They are in Me and I am in them. Tell them that pure and holy life, pure and holy Love is absolutely necessary to remain in Me. I want them all to remain in Me and grow in Me. I in them and they in Me.
I want to be one with them. I became one of them so that they will be one in Me. I in them and they in Me. Just as the Father is in Me and I am in the Father, and the Holy Spirit is in Me and I am in the Holy Spirit, and the Father is in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is in the Father. We are one and all! One in all and all in One. So I became man, one with mankind, so that mankind will be one with Me - one with Us, with the Father and with Me and with the Holy Spirit.
My son, My plan for the fulfilment of all is the plan for the fulfilment of all things in Me, in Love, in Life, in the Holy Spirit, in the Father. It is the eternal plan for the creation and salvation of all in the Love and Life of God. God is Love, God is Life, all find their fulfilment in Love, in Life. I am Love and Life. All find their life and Love in Me. Without Me there is no life and no Love.
I love all, that is why I have given Life to all: and I have given life to all because I want to draw all to My Love, to unite all in My Love. I am One and All, the Beginning and End, Alpha and Omega. All is in Me. All will be one in Me and I am all in all.
The message and work of My Hearts of Love is the message and work of Love, the message and work of life; the message and work of oneness. I in all and all in Me. I am one in all, and all is one in Me. You are one in Me and I am one in you. My Love, you are Me. I am you, We are one.