Message to the members
of My Hearts of Love
September 1999
My members, members of My Love, members of My Body, members of My Heart, members of My Blood! lt is the same Love between Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit, it is the same Love which united Me forever with My Mother. lt is the same Love which exists between Me and you, between Me and every one of you. I love you all with one and the same Love. I am Love and I do not change. I am God of Love, your God, You are all children of My Love. I begot each and every one of you with My Love, with My Heart of Love. Darling children of My Heart. My Heart is your home. My Love is your life. Live the life of Love always and everywhere, life of prayer and works of Love. I repose My confidence on you. I entrust you with the deepest secrets of My Heart. I burn with the Love for you - each and every one of you. My Love is all for you.
Do not be worried. Do not be afraid. As long as you remain in My Heart of Love - My Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother ever united and one in Love - you are secure. The devil has no power over you. No catastrophe will, no catastrophe can, nothing can destroy you in My Love as long as you remain united with Me in My Heart of Love.
Montfort, My Love! Unite all My children in My Love. Gather all My children in My heart of Love! Unite all in My Love. This is urgent. Pour the Blood of My Love on all. Love all with My Love. Love is. lt is Love. It is only Love. Love is all. Love is that which unites you and all My children with Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit, with My Mother and with all the angels and saints, with all in heaven and all the redeemed on earth. Love is all. Love is that which separates you from the devil. The devil cannot love. The devil cannot love Me. It cannot love you. lt cannot love itself. The moment it loves it ceases to be the devil.
Kill the devil with Love. Destroy the devil with Love. As long as you remain in My pure and holy Love, united in pure and holy Love with one another, the devil has no power. You are very very very secure in My Love. The best and highest security for you is in My Heart of Love. Remain in My Love. Remain in My Heart of Love.
The Triumph of My Heart of Love is there. My Love is in you. The Reign of My Heart of Love is coming among you. Remain ever united with Me and with one another in pure and holy Love. I am in you. I am for you. I am with you. I am. I am. I am: through this Prayer, Prayer of My Heart of Love.
This prayer is the precious gift of My deepest and Infinite Love. Storm the world, the whole world with Prayer, with this Prayer of My deepest and Infinite Love: Prayer of My Heart of Love. lt is I Myself who am this Prayer. Storm every where and every body with it. Let it reach every heart and every home. Do not delay. Put it into every language and every culture.
This Prayer and works of Love, say this Prayer everywhere and every time and do works of Love every where and every time. The world of creation is Mine. I give you all to be My Love in the whole of My creation. Be My Love every where. Carry My Love everywhere. Do not be afraid. You cannot hurt anybody with Love.
This Prayer is My Love. My Love cannot be desecrated or destroyed. Nothing can do that. My Love can be rejected but My Love cannot be desecrated, cannot be destroyed. My Love is
This Prayer cannot be abused. I Myself I am the security of this Prayer. Pour this Prayer like rain on all good and bad.
Storm the whole world, all creation with it. Through this Prayer My Love reigns. Through this Prayer and works of Love My Love reigns. Love is life and all life is about Love. Without Love there is no life. The meaning of life is Love. Life finds its only and ultimate fulfilment in Love. I am Love.
My child, do not delay. Never, never, never doubt. Teach all to pray and do works of Love. Let all pray and do works of Love. Through My Love I will win all to Myself. When I am raised up I will draw all to Myself. I am God and God of Love. I am Love. Let all come to Me.
Separated from Me they are lost. United with Me they are saved. This union with Me in My Heart of Love is already there in this Prayer and works of Love.
My child! My children, never get tired or worried or angry. Remain always cheerful, full of joy and happiness and hope which comes from the depths of the Heart.
My Love is all for you. All you need is My love. All you be is My Love. Outside My Love you are not, you are nothing. In My Love you have the fullness of Life and existence. You are fulfilled.
I want your happiness here and hereafter. I want your full-ness of Life here and hereafter. That is only possible with union with Me, in My Love. Come! Come! Come! Come to My Love! Come deep into My Heart of Love.
This Prayer cannot be said too much. Love cannot be loved too much. There can never be too much Love, excess Love. There can never be too much Prayer, excess Prayer.
Let every heartbeat say this love, say this Prayer. Let everything say this Prayer, say this Love, express this Love.
Let everywhere be filled with this Prayer, with this Love. Let everywhere be aflame with My Love. Let everything proclaim My Love.
Oh My Love is all. My Love is all in all. My Love! In My Heart of Love! I love all. I love all. I love all. Let all come to My Love.
Prayer of Love is prayer of the new time. Prayer of the Hearts of Love is the Prayer of the new age! Love this Prayer! Prayer is Love! Love is Life! Prayer is Life! Life is Prayer. Life is Love. Live Love, that is all.
Thank you for listening to Me and loving Me. Thank you for coming to Me. Thank you for loving Me. I am Love. I will turn you into flaming fires of My Love. My Love! My Love! My Love will reign. My Love reigns. My Love reigns in heaven. My Love will reign on earth. Oh My Love reigns. Oh My Love will reign. Oh My Love reigns.
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