I, your Mother, the Mother of Divine Love, I am the Handmaid of the Lord, but God My God, God your God has raised Me and made Me the Mother of Divine Love. Your Mother, call Me Mother of Love. It is through Me that the source of all Love is born in the world. I am the Mother of Divine Love, the Mother of Love. There is no other Love but the Love, which is born of Me. There is no other Love but the Love, which is God. There is no other Love but the Love, which is in Me. There is no other Love but the Love, which is the Trinity, the Love of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit. All other things which people think are love are love only to the extent that they accept and reflect the Love of God, and are united to the eternal Love. I am the Mother of Love. It is My duty to bear Love in the world, to be the Mother of Love. My work is not ended.
My work continues in you and through you. At this time, the Father has given you to Me as He gave His Son Jesus to Me so that I will take care of Him.
The same way, to the same extent and with the same Love with which I am united to Jesus, I am united to you. You are My beloved. Born of Me ... the Love of God. I give you My Heart. Take My Heart. My pure Heart. My sinless Heart. God made My Heart pure and sinless. In this pure and sinless Heart I conceived the Righteous One in the world. There is eternal happiness in the world. I love you my love. I love you my Love. My Heartiest of Love. I love you. I will ever and forever love you. I will forever and ever Love forever and ever love you. You are sealed in the Love of God. This is prayer and work of Love. You are secure in the Love of God.
The enemy has no power over you. He can shout, fight. The enemy knows what responsibility you have at this time for the whole world. He will do everything possible to discourage you. But do not be afraid. For I am with you, I will save you. I am in you. I am your Mother. I am your Love. I will ever love you. With the power with which I crushed the head of Satan with this power I still have over him. I am at your side always. Where ever you go I am there. Wherever you speak I am there. Wherever you preach I am there. Whether you are sleeping or working I am active by your side. No enemy will stand me. I have the power from God to crush, to destroy the enemy. Do not be afraid. I carry you in my bosom. I press you close to my heart. My heart is in you, My most beloved. God has established such a Love between you and me. The Love between you and Jesus, the Love between you and the Father, the Love between you and the Holy Spirit is Love. Call me always the Heart of Love and I will fight, I press your heart to My Heart. Our Hearts are one. I love you.
Do not make any mistake: You come from Jesus. You come from the Father. You come from the Holy Spirit. I did not bring you forth. You did not come from me. You come from God. You belong to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit - the Most Blessed Trinity of Love. Here is my Heart my Immaculate Heart. Take it completely. To be fully united with your Heart. I love you. My Love. I love My Love. I am the Mother of Love.