Call to Holiness for All Human Beings
November 2002
My Love! Receive My message for the whole world. My Love! My call to holiness is for all human beings – of all ages, races, cultures, creeds. I want all human beings to be saved and to come to perfect Love and union and fullness of Life and being with Me in Heaven. I am God, the God of Love, God of all. I want to unite all in Me – all in My Love – in My Hearts of Love. The whole world is mine. All creation is mine. All souls belong to Me. All power, all Love, glory, honour, redemption, life come from Me and go back to Me.
Call all to glory! Call all to Love! Call all to prayer! Call all to holiness, to peace and Love! Greet all with My peace and Love. Whoever accepts your greetings of peace and Love from Me will be blessed with peace and Love. Who refuses to accept it will not retain My peace and Love. My peace and Love will go to another. At last he/she will realise what she/he has refused. Hell is eternal regret. Please accept My message for the whole world – people of all races, cultures, tongues, colours, ages, shapes, sizes, for the whole creation. Pray and fast for the salvation of all – all souls.
My son! My Love! I am with you now and always till the end of time unto eternity. Tell all the members of My Hearts of Love that I love them with eternal Love. I am with them. Tell them to remain steadfast. Ma Heart of Love is the safest, surest and easiest way to heaven. Tell them not to be worried by any rejection or threats or calumny or whatsoever. I am with them to save them, to strengthen them. I am your Love. I am their Love. I am your God. I am their God. I am your all. I am their all. Let them call Me: Our God, Our Love, Our All! And give themselves to Me completely. Tell them that all of them – all who remain in My Love till the end, will be saved. Let nobody and nothing separate them from My Love. Tell them to be steadfast at prayer.
The Rhythm of Prayer of the Hearts of Love is the rhythm of Love, is the rhythm of Life of them. Tell them to be steadfast with the hours of the prayers of Love. Let nothing hold them back – even for a brief moment. (They can say the prayers even for a brief moment). They are moments of union, of strength – union with Me, the source of all life and Love; moments of strength – I am the principle and source of all strength. It is the moment of salvation – for their souls and all souls. It is the moment of purification – purification of all – all things around them and in them.
It is the moment of sanctification for them and all around them. At these moments – I pour My special, most abundant blessings and graces on them and all around them. At this moment – all My priests are to pronounce the blessings of My Hearts of Love and bless all souls – all My creation. At this moment, when no priest is there, all My people are to call upon themselves My eternal blessings – on themselves and all around them. They are to touch one another at least with their souls, hearts, love and look; with their hands and their hearts. They are to open the hearts and hands. They are to touch all creation with their hands, their spirits. They are to be a blessing to all creation. All My members of My Hearts of Love are a blessing to all creation. I am with them. I am their blessing and through them I bless My creation. They are blessing to all My creation. You are My blessing for all – all everywhere and every time. Go and spread My blessing to all. Go and bring My blessings to all. I am with you. Do not be afraid. Am with you now and forever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.“