Let it be preached:
“Only Those With the Seal of the Love of God Will be Saved -they will be judged according to this seal!”
Sermon of Fr. Montfort on November 16, 2007
To hear that the day of the Son of man will be like the days of Noah and
In the Apocalypse the angel of destruction is told to wait till all to be saved are sealed with the seal of God. We are now in the time of waiting. Only those united in union with Christ will be saved, all others destroyed. Don’t bring any separation from Christ in your life. The seal implies that we are united to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love, the only solution.
Only those touched by His Most Precious Blood, like those in the Old Testament who slaughtered a lamb and signed their doors with its blood. Only those covered by His Blood will be saved. It is a very serious warning. This is the time of preparation, the
Only those who live the two commandments of love – Love of God and Neighbour - will be saved. It will be like in the days of Noah: Only those in the
We are warning everybody, this is the only solution, only those united to the Two Hearts of Love will be saved. I will continue to say it even to those who will continue to stone me. “How can only few be saved?” Christ said it clearly in the gospel, “Try to enter the narrow door, wide is the road leading to destruction”… the road of sexual pleasure… “Save all souls!” All souls are those united to the Two Hearts… and only those will be saved and they are few, but there will be no exception.
The Lord made it the easiest, shortest way to heaven, those who even once say, “O Hearts of Love!” Let us wake up and assume our responsibility. Let it be preached: Only those with the seal of the Love of God will be saved, they will be judged according to this seal. Let everybody be warned, let everybody hear this. This is the message which I have received and I am bound to preach it:
“My Love listen, time is short. Make use of every opportunity I give you to radiate and pour My Love like sunshine and rainfall in every heart upon every person and over the whole world.”
This message must be heard even by the deaf, the blind, even the lame. Everybody! Nobody should claim ignorance. Nobody should be allowed to claim ignorance of this message.
“I am with you to strengthen you, do not be afraid of anybody, anything. I am, I am. My Love this is My message to you, My message of Love for the whole world. I have decided in My infinite Love and mercy to redeem all, all souls, to save the whole world because of My Love. I love the whole world, the whole of My creation. It is never in My mind to destroy what I created out of Love, but the world has been forcing My hand to destroy and annihilate it. The evil one has been forcing the world and souls to go against My Eternal Will so that I will destroy the world as useless.
Now I have decided in My infinite Love and mercy to do away with the rebellious one, the father of all sins and rebellion. I will drive him away from the world, which I have created for My beloved children, the human beings. My Son, all I have promised you and through you to the whole Church and to the whole world I mean to bring to fulfilment. I stand by My promises and I will make all of them good. My Love, I love you and I will ever love you and bring all to the Love of Me. I bring this through you, My Love, it is through My Love that I created the world. Through My Love I have saved and will ever save My world, My creation.
My Love, be ready to work, to suffer, to sacrifice and to obey Me even to the point of death. My Son you are carrying the wounds I have. I share everything with you, My sufferings, joys and glory. My Love, do not let anything discourage you or stand in the way of My love in any way. You are absolutely called in free-dom to be one with Me, you are absolutely in union with Me. Let nothing and nobody think that it can in any way separate you from Me, My Love. I cannot be separated from you, My Love for I and My Love are one. Let the world come back to me. I mean to pour the Blood of My Love over the whole world not minding the obstacles. I mean to shine the light of My Love on all and on the whole world not minding the obstacles. I mean to radiate my Love into the whole world not minding the obstacles. I am God, not man. I am the Holy One in your midst. I am not a god, I am God, I am One, there is no other. I am the Almighty, nobody else is God! Nobody else is almighty!
I alone am God. I have decided in My infinite Love and mercy to save all souls that I have created out of Love, but My son, I require the simplest sign of love and I will make it infinite in value. Let every soul make some simple signs of response and I will accept that out of My Love and that soul will be saved.” There must be a sign of love, or else there is no salvation, no matter how small, how simple. “The simplest, the least sign of love and acceptance of My Love and I will act with My almighty power of creation and redemption and all will be saved who accept My Love and let My Love be poured upon and into them, and let My Love shine upon and into them, let My Love, the fire of My Love be radiated into them, the fire of My Love be enkindled in them and upon them.
My Son, there is every hope to save all souls. My Love, your prayers have been heard. The prayers which I put into your heart and into your mouth, the Prayer which I Myself taught you and asked you to teach all. My Love, I am saving all souls. My Love, the Prayer of My Hearts of Love has been heard. I am saving all souls with My Mighty Power, with My Almighty Power, with the power of My Infinite Love and Mercy. My Love have you heard and understood what I have done and what I am doing? With the fire and the light and the radiation and outpouring of My Infinite Eternal Love I am dispelling and annihilating all the darkness of wickedness and hatred and sin. I am bringing a new heaven and a new earth, where My Love, My Infinite and Eternal Love reigns.
My Church has prepared this over the centuries with faith, hope and charity, with the prayers and sacrifices and blood of uncountable martyrs, the sacrifice of uncountable saints. My Love, the time must come for the reign of the kingdom, of My kingdom, the reign of My Love, the reign of My Hearts of Love, the triumph of pure and holy Love, the time for the reign of the Most Holy Trinity. My Love, the time must come, it is there, the appointed time which I have fixed from all eternity to install My Kingdom on earth, to restore the kingdom to
Prepare all for the reign of My
Prepare all for this day, the day of war against all evil forces and overthrow and destruction of all evil forces with the Power of Love, the Almighty Power of Love, the Divine Power of Love. But My son, My plan is to use human beings, victim souls who will give themselves as sacrifice of love, holocausts of love, who are set on fire and consumed by the fire of My Divine Love. My son, do not allow any distraction, listen well! This is the time for the victims of love to shine and come out and live and proclaim their love for Me.
This is the time for the public war of Love. This is the time to fight for the honour of God and to defeat and overthrow the enemy completely with the fire and light and outpouring of pure and holy love. The enemy cannot withstand and cannot have anything with which to counteract the fire and light and outpouring of pure and holy love. The way the Archangel des-troyed him, destroying it with the perfect obedience, perfect purity and holiness and oneness with My Eternal Father; the way My most holy Mother, Blessed Mother fought and defeated and crushed the head of the serpent, the ancient dragon and the devil, with her perfect response of love and union with the Most Holy Will of God with her pure and Immaculate Concep-tion, with the Annunciation.
My son, My Love, everything that happened in My life and in the life of My mother are the means of overthrowing the evil and establishing the kingdom. Now it is the same with you, the only solution I have revealed to you is this, “Unite! Unite with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts!” Now, My Love, this is the time to apply this solution to the fullest and see what will happen. This enemy, who has been deceiving souls and nations will be completely overthrown. This Prayer, this Prayer, this Prayer. My son! This Prayer! I have put the Almighty and Infinite Power of Love, which I am, which I have, in this Prayer to save all souls and save the whole world. Renew all My creation!
My Love, this is the time, no more hesitation, no more postponement, this is the time! My Love, stretch yourself to the highest of your limits as man and the Divine Power in you will take over. My Love I am with you both now and forever. The war is on! Let all My children of My Hearts of Love be warned and alert. Be awake! Be watchful. And pray. Stay awake and be praying! They will not fall into temptation. They will not fall into the hands of the evil one. The evil one has been overthrown. Now is the time to fight. The time for victory and triumph has come.
My son, My Love, this is the fullness of time. Not many have understood this. You must tell them all! This is the time for the reign of Love. The Pope has prepared the way. Do not be ashamed or afraid, nobody and nothing can do anything to you, which I have not approved. Nothing can happen to you without My approval. All that happens to you is for the reign of My Love. My Love this is the time, get up and fight, get up and pray, get up and preach! Get up and love, get up and live! Get up and shine, get up and radiate My Love! Get up and draw from My infinite ocean of Love and pour it on souls - all souls.
This is the time for the annihilation of evil and the establishing of the Kingdom of God. This is that for which My Son came, worked tirelessly and offered Himself pouring His Most Precious Blood to the last drops on the cross. This is the time for which He has chosen [to pray in all his members this] “Thy kingdom come!”
My Love, open the eyes of the people to see it and to live accepting and embracing this Love uniting themselves to these Two Hearts and in this way uniting themselves to the Most Holy Trinity of Love. This is My plan for salvation and fulfilment of all things, all things in Christ, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth. My son, My Love, this is the fulfilment of the plan I have for all My creation. Now, My whole creation will be fulfilled when the splendour of My Love, the Glory of God, the Kingdom of God has come. My son, My Love thank you immensely for the vigil last night, for the mass and the prayers and for listening with such attention, I love you and I will always love you and all with you.
Now, My son, My Love, the time has come to proclaim openly the only solution I have given you since childhood, which you have been proclaiming but not so loud and not so organized. Make everybody understand that this is the only solution to the prob-lems of the world. I have given it and I will give it.
Tell everybody! Tell the Pope, all the bishops, all priests, all religious, all lay people, tell even non-Christians, unbelievers. All should consecrate them-selves and unite themselves to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.
The only solution; only those who are united to the Love of God will be saved, and all who are united will be saved. Obtain their paper of consecration, this is the way I want it to be organized, organize it well. Please My son, hurry! I want it. Hurry and obtain their consecration and the union of souls with Me in My Hearts of Love, I want it. This is the Eternal Will of the Father. I am with you both now and forever and ever. Amen.
All who are consecrated, all who are united with Me and remain in this union are saved and help to save others through their prayers and their union with Me. My Love, help Me. The whole world is My family, the whole world is My garden. Help Me to recover and replant My garden with the fruits of Love. Let Love be flowing like river in My whole world, and let Love be falling like rain on My whole creation. Let Love be shining like the sun on My whole creation. Let Love be flowing from heaven down to the earth and be rising again from earth to heaven. Let all on earth and in heaven be united in the Hearts of Love, in the one Love of God, in the one Love of the Most Holy Trinity. My son, this work is enormous. It can only be done with the full and total inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Tell everybody, tell the Pope, all the bishops, all priests, all religious, all lay people, tell even non-Christians, unbelievers: All should consecrate them-selves and unite themselves to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts. Remember what happened in the days of Noah, he warned them, he warned them, he warned them, only those who entered the Ark were saved, but all who entered the Ark were saved.” The mixture of these word “only” and “all”. They are united. “Obtain their papers of consecration, this is the way I want it to be organized. Let it be organized as the Church does the organization from individual to family, from station to parish, diocese, country and the whole world. Please My son, hurry and obtain the consecration and union of souls to Me in the Hearts of Love. I want it. This is the Eternal Will of the Father. I am with you both now and forever and ever. Amen.
This work is enormous and can only be done with the full and total inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I have poured My Spirit in you and will ever be pouring Him into you. You are nothing and can do nothing without My Holy Spirit. Let all the members have special love and attachment to the Holy Spirit as they have to Me and you. Let their greatest Love be to the Eternal Father, the Father of Love, your Father and My Father, the origin and end of all. My Love let all on earth know that they are all children of One Father, children of the One Father and that they all have their home in the One Father in heaven. At last all will return to the House of the Father in heaven.
Let there be no more hatred, wickedness and sin. Let there be no more wars and killing. Let there be Love flowing in every heart and every soul. Let children be taught from the earliest days to regard all human beings as children of the One Father in heaven. Let Love be planted and watered and tendered to grow in every heart, especially the heart of all children. Let all children be loved and cared for as children of the One Father in heaven. That is why I asked you to work hard and to introduce this free and loving feeding, education, care, clothing, housing for all children from the earliest days to at least their 12th birthday. Begin with children. The world resources are more than enough to take care of this, let all share, let all the nations share, let all the families share. Let there be children’s fund. It is strictly forbidden to teach children hatred, wickedness and sin.
The Ten Commandments is basis for the whole world. All must know that they have their One Origin from the Father in heaven, who has generously poured His Love on His whole creation, He has put many resources in all corners of the world and allowed man to discover them and make good use of them for their well-being in faithfulness and for the greater glory and honour of God. My son, go, I will tell you more.
My son, listen. Your public ministry has begun and what you are doing now is entering into My history of salvation for all souls and what is happening now fully goes in direction of My Eternal Plan for the salvation of all through the Union with the Two Hearts of Love - leading to the Ultimate Union with the Most Holy Trinity. Let therefore all you think, say and do be Only My Most Holy Will. I have talked to you about your responsibility of the formation of all I have entrusted to you in My Hearts of Love, priests, brothers and sisters.”
This fearful message from the readings is a happy news. We rejoice because God has decided to save all souls. But all souls means only those who are sealed with love. Only and All. Only those who are in the Ark. Only those who are in the family. Continue going, don’t look behind. Only those who are sealed with His Love. Only those. All. Only and all who are in His Love. Therefore the importance of our duty to bring all to His Love. The Lord wants all to be saved.
“All you love with this My Love will be saved.”
The authority God has given to His Church: Whatever you bind here on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose here on earth will be loosed in heaven. The Union of Heaven and Earth – that is the Aim of the Incarnation. That is the Plan and Eternal Will of God - to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth – through the Incarnation. Thank God forever and ever infinitely, absolutely for choosing me choosing us to be bearer of this greatest Love and Gospel which Lucifer opposed and therefore became devil and is busy moving many to reject this Union of the Two Hearts of Love which is the meaning and means of the Incarnation and God’s Own and Only Solution for Salvation of All.
The Church’s power to save all! All the Church saves here on earth are saved there in heaven. God has given us power, power to love, power to bring to the Love of Him, power to bring all to salvation. Let us not relent, let us work hard.